WordToWorship.com is a free resource for worship planners. The goal is to find worship songs related to themes and Scripture readings so they better match the message of a service.
This site is a community project where every user is encouraged to help improve the site by adding songs, themes, scripture references, and even personal comments. There are no special permissions needed to register or make edits.
Word to Worship is special in that it will automatically tag songs with scripture references that the lyrics appear to quote and pull information such as the author and copyright statement if the CCLI song number is entered. It also contains a large database of Bible verses and the themes associated with them so searching for a Scripture reference not only returns songs linked with those verses, but also songs with similar themes.
Word to Worship came about as a result of the first NJ JAM conference in 2010. It became apparent that there was a need for assistance in selecting songs for worship. There was no quick way to find songs that relate to the scripture readings of the day. After many discussions and emails, the idea for this site was born: a site that utilizes both automatic and crowd-sourcing updates so it is always up-to-date and becomes more useful as more people use it.
Word to Worship was created and is maintained by Steve Partlow. Steve is a software engineer at IBM and occasional volunteer worship leader.
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